Wednesday came and went as another reminder of a love or a lack thereof. Wasn't it nice in gradeschool when everyone got a valentine card, and some stale candy hearts with words on them, and the big deal was who hand selected which words for whom? Then, somewhere around 5th grade we abondoned the 'make everyone fit in' method, and went right in for the kill - flowers, chocolates, poetry, dating (Sorry, no personal gems this time, just the generics). What I want to know is - why the switch? There has to be a grown up version of our elementary school antics, right? Well, I think I've found it here. It may not be love, but it sure is fun.
Imagine going about your business, a little more aware than usual because of the day of course, when suddenly it is raining sparkles and confetti in front of your eyes. You've been 'cascaroned'! Someone, could be your neighbor, could be your lover, could be your friend, has just crushed a hollowed out egg full of confetti on your head. Feliz Dia de CariƱa! Needless to say, everyone is a little shinier this time of the year. This, however, is the G-rated version. Tuesday marks carnival, and the word is everyone has lisence to go crazy. I've been advised to keep my eyes open in the streets because it's typical to get pelted with real eggs, flour, and water, and as much as I try to fit in, in reality I'm probably a pretty good target.
Hope everyone had a good one! And if not, I'll bring back some cascarones for you.
1 comment:
I love hearing about your experiences thusfar. How's it going with those neighborhood kids? Buena suerte con todo.
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