Friday, February 9, 2007

Another day, another workout

Before I arrived, I was planning on finishing each week of classes with an intellectual escape to the surrounding mountains for the weekends. Little did I know, I would be climbing a cobblestone mountain multiple times a day just to get around in Xela. Therefore, my calves are adjusted and prepared for a trip to 'Las Georginas' hot springs tomorrow morning.

The classes are going really well. I'm remembering things that I don't think I knew to begin with. I spend 5 hours or more a day with my teacher, Byron, who is also 24, and we have become good friends. Apparently, he and Flory, who runs the school, are under the impression that I am at an advanced level of Spanish so I have been asked to complete a thesis in the next 3 weeks. For those of you that know Spanish and have read the last few entries, are probably laughing because two of the four or so words not in English are spelled wrong - cerveceria and Mam. I haven't completely finalized my topic yet, but it is going to be something along the lines of 'sustainable development and the impact of a sharp rise in tourism, with respect to the different populations of Guatemala.' It is supposed to be 25 pages and a presentation to the staff and students of the school, so we'll see what happens.

This school also does a great job of connecting interested students with volunteer work in the area, whatever type you may be interested in. I, believe it or not, and even though I just ended the last sentence with 'in', am teaching English to a group of kids from the neighborhood. Most of them are related, full of energy, and whenever I ask them to pick a theme for the day it is usually futbol, which is fine by me. Also, as I learned today, the person that was helping with these classes before me was a police officer from Norway. Apparently, he was about 6'5", very muscular, and got the kids hooked on the 'helicoptero', which I have a feeling is a bit more taxing for me and aided in a profound siesta yesterday (You know, pick the kids up over your head and spin around until your both so dizzy you could fall over). And no matter what anyone says, spinning the other way does not balance out the feeling.

Last night (Thursday), in my first communal soccer experience, Guatemala beat Nicaragua on nuetral ground in San Salvador. I watched the first half in a little neighborhood bar with the local crazies, and the second half at home with the family. It was good times, and almost as exciting as Spain beating the pants off of England at the same time! Que fuerte! I can't wait to see what players the kids want to emulate on Monday when we play in the backyard of the school. I am usually the goalie, Casillas of course.

As soon as I figure out how to put photos on here, you'll see them. Hasta pronto.

1 comment:

JLDGVSU said...

Hey I don't know if you check these comments but here goes... I think your essay choice is a little lofty, I would instead choose :My First Day At School.

"What we need now, are ways to provide young people with similar opportunities to engage in self-transforming and structure-transforming direct action." -MLK

"I Shall Create!  If not a note, a hole.  If not an overture, a desecration." -Gwendolyn Brooks

"Tell no lies, and claim no easy victories" -Cabral