Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cowboys and the Copan Ruins

After skipping town in Antigua, I headed for the Easterly scenery of Zacapa, mainly to visit a friend of my cousin Michelles. Their family turned out to be as fantastic as anticipated and left me with a basecamp to set up at while checking out other sights in the area. This part of Guate has a couple main currents: the lowest amount of indigenous people, and a comboy fervor where it is far from uncommon to see a bus driver/shop-keeper with a six-shooter tucked in his belt.

I left my things with Oscar and the fam, and headed across the border into Honduras for a couple days, just long enough to check out the Mayan archeological sites that flank the quaint touristy town. This set of ruins, most notably, contains the longest written record of Mayan history in the discovered World, encompassing 72 steps of a brilliant stone staircase and spanning 200 years of local history. One large chunk is missing, releaved of its natural surroundings by a Harvard exploration team in the late 1800's, and now on display at the Peabody Museum in the States.

Also randomly, I ran into some familiar faces from the lake this morning here in Copan, so we are going to a concert tonight, and then Ill be on the road tomorrow for Tikal and the other wonders of the Peten. Saludos.

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"What we need now, are ways to provide young people with similar opportunities to engage in self-transforming and structure-transforming direct action." -MLK

"I Shall Create!  If not a note, a hole.  If not an overture, a desecration." -Gwendolyn Brooks

"Tell no lies, and claim no easy victories" -Cabral