I finally left Livingston after three days of intoxicating sun, beer, and the cheapest, freshest, seafood I have ever heard of. Seriously, Im talking fish the size of footballs for five bucks, mounds of buttery garlic shrimp barely contained by the plate, and crabs, well I guess the crabs were fairly run of the mill.
After a boat tour of the Rio Dulce, some hot springs, another stop at Ak´Tenamit, and a long 5 hour bus ride standing crammed in the aisle, I arrived in Flores, the entrance to the enchanted Maya ruins of Tikal. I passed the night in town, and got to the park by 5am in order to climb the highest temple in the known Mayan world and watch a gorgeous sunrise over the dense tropical jungle. Today, unlike the sunrise from the peak of Tajumulco, was a crystal clear sky that the vastness of could not be captured in a photo...though I tried. Really, that place is big.
Regina and I spent the rest of the day trolling around the island town of Flores, taking a canoe out on the river, and making another hike up to an un-excavated temple with a beautiful view of the lake. Tomorrow, to the fertile grounds of Rabinal where I hope to visit a few friends, and learn about one of the last Achi Maya pueblos.
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