Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Let's try this again...

I just happened across one of my friend's sites - The Boggs Center - and noticed a link to my own blog. If you have been clicking on this until now, I deeply apologize. It has obviously been a sporadic at best destination of interesting tidbits. Consider this a reinvigorated attempt to provide the occasional conversation piece or midday chuckle.

And to get us started off on the right foot (or the correct foot), here you go with a little love out of Atlanta:


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"What we need now, are ways to provide young people with similar opportunities to engage in self-transforming and structure-transforming direct action." -MLK

"I Shall Create!  If not a note, a hole.  If not an overture, a desecration." -Gwendolyn Brooks

"Tell no lies, and claim no easy victories" -Cabral