Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What To Do When Our Liberators Won't Lead?

Do I throw myself into the depth of my thoughts
Wrestle with life's contradictions
Resurface with an idea of which I'm not sure
Submerge for more context
Wrap that thought in the criticism and love it deserves
Take the risk of giving voice to this process
Hopeful that this time will be better
That this time I will be accepted and my idea supported
That this time I will find my place


Do I throw myself back into that depth
Gloss over life's contradictions
Come up with ideas that seem safe
Give them the context they already have
Dress them up in certainty, disrobe their possibility
Take the best chance of saying what will be heard and not challenged
Because this time,
I learned

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"What we need now, are ways to provide young people with similar opportunities to engage in self-transforming and structure-transforming direct action." -MLK

"I Shall Create!  If not a note, a hole.  If not an overture, a desecration." -Gwendolyn Brooks

"Tell no lies, and claim no easy victories" -Cabral